
Admiral Sir James Startin K.C.B. 1855-1948

Admiral Sir James Startin K.C.B. 1855-1948
I have referred to most people's relationship as related to Admiral Startin. He was Les's great grandfather's first cousin. Les's date of birth was 24th May 1955.

Please start at the bottom of the page with Admiral James Startin as it will make more sense that way.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

James Startin 1805-1872

On his father's side the Admiral had an uncle James Startin
Birth 2 Dec 1805 in Morley, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

Brompton Cemetery - c. js on

Death 24 Dec 1872 in Essex, Greater London, United Kingdom

From the Science Museum - documented in Aneasthesia News - August 2003 Patent applied for - 
mentioned in in Journal of Iron and Steel, vol 46 p118 1847 - 
living at 3 Finsbury Place, Finsbury Sq.

(Startin Pneumatic Inhaler - invented in 1840s - now in the Science Museum)
who started a famous skin hospital, treated Charles Darwin's eczema and lived at 3 Savile Row - later made famous by the Beatles who had their Apple Studio there and where they did their last ever performance from the roof.

The above image shows the only second inhaler to survive.  Now purchased by t AAGBI Collection – an article and picture appeared in Anaesthesia News in July 2010.

James Startin, the doctor from Savile Row who died in 1872 endorsed Pears Soap - (BMJ 4 JUNE 1960)
Pears soap carried the testimonial of three prominent dermatologists-Erasmus Wilson, James Startin, and John Milton, the founder of St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin. I do not suppose that the nature of soap has changed much since their time, but knowledge of its action on the skin has broadened and the whole position has now altered in that other cleansers are available.